It's snowing in Middlebury, Vermont.
I've just finished another 12-hour day.
In case you haven't been paying attention, I'm finishing up brew school this week up in VT, working days in a considerably-sized microbrewery and studying sensory analysis, water chemistry, and QC with a class of 22 brew students (
brewdents?). There are several solid bros (and sisters) in the class, but also a few annoying douchebag-types; you know, the kind who have to shout whenever they are talking (so as to subject as many people possible to their idiotic ramblings), name-drop (about people in the
brewing industry, for christsake) and make fun of innocently bland beers like
Labatt's Blue. Regardless, most of my classmates are cool, and I'm psyched to see what some of these people are doing with themselves over the next year. Most of us are off to apprentice for 5 weeks after this, at various breweries. A lot of people are going back home to their local brewpub, but some are actually off to really cool places like: Hopworks (Portland, OR); Firestone Walker (Pasa Robles, CA); Ommegang (Cooperstown, NY); Sixpoint (Brooklyn, NY). I will be at an un-named brewpub/production plant located in Santa Rosa, CA.
Also: one fellow student grew up in my college town and knows all kinds of people that I do.
one fellow student went to college with one of my best friends from home.
SO: I'll put something else up later in the's mega-busy time for Wrence here, and I've only a few hours in the evening to check the emails, maybe chat with a roomate for a minute, and throw up a blog post (if possible) so stay tuned. Graduation is Friday!
edit: also I'd like to add that we just discovered that the TV in our room at the inn is set to parental-block any show that's rated over TV-14 or some shit, and we can't watch
South Park because of this. My roomate just stormed downstairs to confront the inn-keep about this. Amazing.