Last night, while out at one of my locals, having a few & watching the visiting Redsox play the Phillies, I was subjected to text/picture messages from both RyToy AND The Bones. SO, tonight as I sit at home avoiding the rain, watching game 2 of Boston's visit to Citizens Bank Park, I feel compelled to type stuff. Bear with me. Wow, the Sox just went up 5-0 in the first inning.
So, Ry & I talk a lot of smack on here
Excuse me...I just need to mention that it really started raining here just this secondSo, Ry & I talk a lot of smack on here about beer, food, and partying; but what I think has failed to come through is how much into the printed word are we. In fact, that was one of the first things that the Toymeister & I had in common when we met all those years ago. I still remember him coming to me in the bar and asking how I liked "
the Brothers K." So unto the bookage:
Those loyal followers may remember that I was in brew school for 6 months or so (starting about this time last year) and I admit I didn't read much while busy with school. I am curious if that is not also the case currently with Ry, as he has been grad-schooling the hell out of stuff lately. However, one book I
did manage to get down last summer was
The Wind-up Bird Chronicles, by
Haruki Murakami. Gena handed me that book and said only "Lawrence, you HAVE to read this" -otherwise I may never have even heard of this guy.
Wind-up Bird Chronicles is single-handedly the craziest, most mind-blowing thing that I have ever read. For reallys. You HAVE to read this. So today I picked up
Kakfa On The Shore, which is supposed to be just as good, from what I've heard. And judging by the first 34 pages, it has the same dreamy, mind-fuck quality of its predecessor. Maybe I'll follow up on this with some sort of review at some point. Eh, on first thought
no I won't be doing that on here.So now they are rolling the tarp out onto the field at Citizens Bank Park. It's really coming down. My plan to stay in tonight & sip beers whilst watching inter-league ball on TV is suddenly not looking too promising. What IS promising is the beer in my glass.
I have been a fan of
Yards Brewing since I arrived here back in March. I have since gotten to know some of the Yards guys and have seen the brewery as well (it's actually a hop, skip, and partial jump away from my apartment). Recently I came across their new seasonal, a
Saison, in the store. I must say I am really impressed. It went well with my Greek salad I can also add. For some reason those reviews on BA are only mediocre, but the picture of the bottle does not match mine, and they also list it as a year-round offering, which is not the case. I suspect that once again BA dropped the ball with this. The beer is delightful, trust me.
More beers await in the fridge but I am not sure how many I want to go through and how many I want to save for next weekend, when the Bones & I plan on meeting up in Saratoga to celebrate Dad's day (and the old man's birthday, which is only a few weeks later).
Thanks for reading & stay dry.