So the busy part of my summer came graciously to a close last Tuesday. For the next four weeks or so I will be working very little, although i will be in the office, and will be doing a decent bit of traveling on the weekend. This past weekend saw me head on out to Cape Cod. It's been something of a yearly ritual to make at least one trip out there every summer, and I was loathe to let this year be any different.
After waiting far too long to book a place, Angie and I settled on a decent, although pretty 'spensive" hotel right on the North Truro/Provincetown line. We were walking distance into town, which made it nice and easy. Friday night we hit up this place called
Lorraine's, a pretty tight non-cheesy Mexican place that takes food and tequila very seriously. Angie had some kind of margarita, in keeping with the theme, while I opted for a Dos Equis...a favorite of mine since
my days of chasing underage Jersey girls in Cancun. The menu was pretty legit and we ordered two specials...a roasted yellow beefsteaktomato stuffed with cous cous with some kind of awesome sauce that i can't even describe. Then I had grilled swordfish with lime-cilantro ajo and some kind of otherwordly potato dish that continues to make my mouth water. Angie had some kind of flautas or something. Solid place, and definitely recommended. Then we went off to get shitfaced...which was no hard task. I found a bar called Waydowntown, which may have been some kind of gay reference that was lost on me. But they were showing the Sox game, so it seemed like a decent place to hang out. They had a bunch of decent brews on tap, but I stuck with the Cisco Whale's Tail Pale Ale...and got sufficiently sloshed. After the game the drag show started, but this dude was the worst drag queen I have ever seen. If i had been a bit more sober I think I could recount better why he was so awful. Suffice it to say, I was looking forward to a funny little drag show, but this guy killed it....and I think the other four people in the bar would agree with me.
Saturday we had a fucking glorious beach day during which we drank beer on the beach and eavesdropped on the conversations of those around us. The blanket next to us awas a bunch of late 20s/early 30s gay dudes who were hilarious. They were seriously all over the spectrum from fat messes to WWF style bodybuilders, but they all seemed to get along fabulously and were pretty funny to listen to. The blanket in front of us was a group of five dudes who were at least in their forties...also funny but for different reasons. Apparently one of these guys never gets laid when he goes to P'town, and they were giving him shit for it throughout. Bros will be bros....not much really changes when you come to think about it.
Saturday night we hit up Cafe Edwige, which was one of the better meals I have had in a good long while. Roasted quarter chicken, with roasted potatoes garlic, and asparagus. I really can't do it justice other than to say that it was one of the better cooked pieces of chicken I have ever had...which doesn't sound like it is saying very much, but it is. Angie had a corna nd lobster bisque followed by the special which was pan-seared striped bass. All reports were overwhelmingly positive.
Post dinner we grabbed a beer at
The Squealing Pig, which also has a dope beer menu (including BBC Coffeehouse Porter) and then met Angie's friends who are an older couple of gay dudes who also had some friends with them. All in all, it was areally solid time and I managed to stumble back to the hotel without getting hit by a car, a dramatic success in and of itself.
Next weekend I am off to visit my Moms in NJ. Looking forward to seeing their new house and such.
Keep it reals ya'll.