Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do you like apples, Russo?

All hands Against His Own, by the Black Keys, as interpreted by El Proyecto Los Jorges (in pajamas)

How do you like them apples?

Confluence of various Blog-esque personae, drinking beer and general good-timery

As I type this I am sitting in The Bones' kitchen drinking coffee. It's 9am in Needham and I've been drinking & eating pretty much non-stop for 48 hours now, and have yet to really be full, nor have I experienced a hangover. I can only conclude that as I age I keep getting better and better at being awesome.

Last night the Bones & I took the T into town (which was actually pretty convenient considering he really lives in the suburbs) and went to CBC to meet some friends. The place was almost disturbingly empty at first on this black Friday, but the relative calm and quiet gave me a chance to catch up with some of my friends who work there before they got too busy to talk and before we got distracted by our people showing up...

Among whom was none other than the the Toymeister himself (the guy in the picture to the right, who used to post on here often) replete with his usual array of idiosyncratic humor and jokes that really only HE can get away with. This may include sending text messages of cock drawings to us before he arrived, but I can't confirm that.

Today the Bones plans on brewing something (once he wakes up, that is); we still have the house to ourselves and plan to pretty much just chill here for the day/night. We picked up a mic yesterday to complete the "band" and are tossing around a few song ideas. Hopefully we get some tracks down at some point in the day, all the while knocking off a righteous Pale Ale. And oh yea, there's turkey, too.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Judging, Beering, Awesoming

It's been a busy November already, and we're only half-way through.

Two weekends ago I was in Needham MA (see below post if you want to have your face rocked off), and then this weekend I drove up to upstate NewYork.

I accomplished 2 things whilst up there. Well, 3 really.

1: I served as a judge at the Knickerbocker Battle of the Brews, which was held at the C.H. Evans brewpub in Smallbany (aka The Pump Station). It was interesting, though "fun" is a word I guess I am not ready to apply to the situation. Judging is definitely hard work; it requires a lot of mental focus and concentration over a long period of time, which sucks. Plus, the slowly acquired buzz you pick up (unless you spit your samples like a little girl) adds to the mayhem. After arriving and registering I found out that I was on the Strong Beer panel. Which means I ended up judging 14 Bocks, Barleywines, and Imperial Stouts. Wait, I guess that part was fun.

When I mentioned all this to the Bones a few weeks ago, he decided to contribute by sending in a couple entries of his own. I specifically tried NOT to know what he was sending in, so on the rare chance I got a category he would have been in, I wouldn't have realized it. In fact, I was very much dreading the thought of judging one of his beers, simply because the entrants all get mailed to them the very score sheet I fill out, replete with my bullshit commentary on their beer. Who would want to brutally dissect their friends/brother's homebrew?? Not me.

Well, guess what: I did end up getting one of Kevin's beers in our flight. And guess what again: we all liked it. And guess what again: we gave him third place in the flight. Thank balls! I didn't even know it was his until I read the results the next day. I called the Bones to revel in the hilarity but he didn't seem to find it amusing as did I.

2: The other thing I wanted to do was rack my Brett Beer. It was still sitting there full of yeast & crap from the main fermentation. I racked it off, cleaned the carboy, and racked the beer back in, along with some oak chips. It tasted great; dry, a touch of the brett coming through, hoppy (love those styrian goldings) and still estery from the primary yeast. Win.

3: Ate lots of food and dranks tons of booze.

I apologize for not having some sort of photo in this post, as damn they do spice up the posts...oh well.

Back in Philly, this week at work is a short one, as we are only in production for 3 days...Thursday will be our normal Friday clean-out day as Friday we open our doors to our internet fans for a party. I'll be there for 8 hours (ON the clock) pouring beers and bullshitting with our customer base. The only bitch of it is that I have tours there the very next it's sort of another busy week after all, I guess. But the following week is thanksgiving week, my goddamn favorite holiday of the year. I simply can't goddamn wait to get up to Boston for 4 solid days. Especially seeing as how I missed Thanksgiving last year, and almost missed it again this year. The Bones and I have so much drinking, James Bond watching, and basement shredding to do. Also we should see RyToy at some point, and definitely log some hours at the bar @ CBC. Don't worry, there will be updates on this stuff....



Monday, November 9, 2009

New Rock Band from Needham

Video of the Bones & I taking out some aggressions via Rock and/or Roll. It felt good to play again, and I think we brought the thunder pretty well.

More Needham

The view from the summit of Noanet peak, in Dover MA. Had a nice quick weekend up there and the weather cooperated.

