It's been a busy November already, and we're only half-way through.
Two weekends ago I was in Needham MA (see below post if you want to have your face rocked off), and then this weekend I drove up to upstate NewYork.
I accomplished 2 things whilst up there. Well, 3 really.
1: I served as a judge at the
Knickerbocker Battle of the Brews, which was held at the C.H. Evans brewpub in Smallbany (aka
The Pump Station). It was interesting, though "fun" is a word I guess I am not ready to apply to the situation. Judging is definitely hard work; it requires a lot of mental focus and concentration over a long period of time, which sucks. Plus, the slowly acquired buzz you pick up (unless you spit your samples like a little girl) adds to the mayhem. After arriving and registering I found out that I was on the Strong Beer panel. Which means I ended up judging 14 Bocks, Barleywines, and Imperial Stouts. Wait, I guess that part
was fun.
When I mentioned all this to the Bones a few weeks ago, he decided to contribute by sending in a couple entries of his own. I specifically tried NOT to know what he was sending in, so on the rare chance I got a category he would have been in, I wouldn't have realized it. In fact, I was very much dreading the thought of judging one of his beers, simply because the entrants all get mailed to them the very score sheet I fill out, replete with my bullshit commentary on their beer. Who would want to brutally dissect their friends/brother's homebrew?? Not me.
Well, guess what: I did end up getting one of Kevin's beers in our flight. And guess what again: we all liked it. And guess what again: we gave him
third place in the flight.
Thank balls! I didn't even know it was his until I read the results the next day. I called the Bones to revel in the hilarity but he didn't seem to find it amusing as did I.
2: The other thing I wanted to do was rack my
Brett Beer. It was still sitting there full of yeast & crap from the main fermentation. I racked it off, cleaned the carboy, and racked the beer back in, along with some oak chips. It tasted great; dry, a touch of the brett coming through, hoppy (love those styrian goldings) and still estery from the primary yeast. Win.
3: Ate lots of food and dranks tons of booze.
I apologize for not having some sort of photo in this post, as damn they do spice up the posts...oh well.
Back in Philly, this week at work is a short one, as we are only in production for 3 days...Thursday will be our normal Friday clean-out day as Friday we open our doors to our internet fans for a party. I'll be there for 8 hours (ON the clock) pouring beers and bullshitting with our customer base. The only bitch of it is that I have tours there the very next it's sort of another busy week after all, I guess. But the following week is thanksgiving week,
my goddamn favorite holiday of the year. I simply can't goddamn wait to get up to Boston for 4 solid days. Especially seeing as how
I missed Thanksgiving last year, and almost missed it again this year. The Bones and I have so much drinking, James Bond watching, and basement shredding to do. Also we should see RyToy at some point, and definitely log some hours at the bar @ CBC. Don't worry, there will be updates on this stuff....