Friday, April 10, 2009


Yo I moved to Philly.

Land of cheese steaks, world series rings, cracked bells, cracked people, and delicious soft pretzels.

No, seriously, the people here are great. Very real, not-exactly laid back, but very un-pretentious, good people. They make amazing hoagies, like EVERYWHERE. Work at the brewery is good, crazy hectic. The place could easily have one or two full-time cellar people on staff, but the brewers handle all the cleaning, filtering, racking, etc WHILE we brew three batches a day. It's in tents like the circus but it's great for a bro like me trying to compile work experience.

Since I've been here I've found a few people from college who live in town, and I'm looking forward to hooking up with some of these strange recollections from my past, and seeing how much weight they've gained.

Tonight I'm relaxing after my first week of work, sipping on the last homebrew made at 46 Tremont, listening to my man M. Ward, who is awesome.

It seems like there is always some sort of beer event going on in Philly. Tomorrow is "Split Thy Skull" -historically a barleywine festival, but which now includes strong Belgians and big IPAs too. It starts at 1pm, but I'm told that the line goes around the block by then, so I am showing up around noon, I hope. I don't know much more about it than you are served flights of fucking strong beers, and some brewery people I know will be around. I'll post something abouts it at some point.

Other than that, just slowly unpacking & sleeping an incredible amount -the last month in Cambridge was desperately wakeful for me. Ahhh - feel the bed calling me right now!! Bonsoir~


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