Not much of any terrible importance going on; except, that is, the gradual and inevitable increase in the kick-assitude of the weather here in Boston. It seems like summer has suddenly sprung right from the bowels of crap-laden mud & street garbage itself. Why, just last week was I treated to the miraculous sight, as RyToy & I waited for a bus at Harvard Square, of an adult HAWK, screeching down from the heavens, TALONS OUTSTRETCHED, who dove into a nearby bush and then came back up with a fucking RAT in its carnivorous clutches!! Yea, it was probably the most badass thing I've ever seen in the city. Period. Exclamation point.
So anyway, when the 2nd consecutive day of sunshine, 60 degree temps, and a smooth summer breeze (makes me feel niiiiiice) hit me, I decided that it was time for me to take out my trusted and true little charcoal grille. The wimpy, pathetic, 14-inch diameter job that anywhere outside of the city would probably result in me being laughed off of something in an humiliating fashion, is PERFECT for my 7 x 30 foot driveway.
On the menu was a nice fillet of steelhead trout, dressed with olive oil, lemon juice & some herbs. Also a melange of grilled vegetables was produced (and thoroughly enjoyed), along with some goat cheese crostini. All this was cooked and consumed pretty much completely in the driveway, making cleanup not really even necessary. Score. Add a bottle of really good, decently priced California Cab. Score again.
Also, I felt so good I planted some marigolds in this big planter on my sidewalk. Over the last 3 years I have found that people throw less garbage in it if there are flowers there. Here is what it looks like:

I am proud.
Don't forget to call your mother on Sunday.
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