So; the building in which I work has been going through a major remodel for the last year or so. Floor by floor, they are slowly, painfully, and loudly de-80's-ing our whole place. This month our entire floor is being demolished & rebuilt (with sexy results, hopefully) and we have been given temporary digs in other remote areas of the building.
My new pad, I must say, is pretty sweet. I went from sharing a cube that was completely out in the open to having my own semi-private cube with my own window. Also, I am now up on the 12th floor, so there is a view. Now, when management executive types come ambling by inspecting their little empire, I have the forewarning and ample time to back out of whatever episode of Family Guy I was watching, and no one is the wiser. The only person who can now look at my monitor over my shoulder would be a guy hovering 200 feet in the air over Milk Street (previously just about everyone in the company walked behind me no less than 30 times a day, all getting their own sneek peek at whatever I happened to be doing at the time).
The view is ok, if I look all the way to one side I can see the harbor, if I look the other way I can kind of see downtown (mostly though I'm just looking at other buildings). Right around the corner though, I noticed this cool roof deck with garden, right across the street.
If you can click on this to make it BIG, you can see the garden, it's pretty sweet. The top of that building is right about the level of my old cube on the 5th floor.
Speaking of gardens, this year's vegetablening at 46 Tremont is going well. The herbs I planted in May are all mega healthy -in fact I have so much mint now I'm going to need a bottle of Rum to mojito-nize it all. The little onions and hella-peenyoes I planted from seed are up and sprouting; the tomatoes have been transplanted finally and are now stretching their little arms skyward; I hope to harvest a salad from my "arugula box" soon. Check it out:

In other news, RyToy is still missing, after beind kidnapped by a new job & several little summer mini-vacations. With any luck, his captors will allow him a brief statement to his beloved readers on Bros11 at some point in the future.
New International Hits
Starting a new blog is kind of neat when you start to notice people from all over the globe stopping by to see all the crap we have typed so far. Adding to the list mentioned at the end of this post, we now show hits from: Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Lithuania. Sweet.
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