Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bob Dylan's wierd Christmas album

It seems like music fans are pretty polarized when it comes to Dylan's Christmas in the Heart. Is it a joke? Is it another sell-out move? Is it merely bullshit sentimentality? The answer I believe is none of the above.

I haven't heard the whole album yet, but judging by this cut, I am in love with it. Dig:

I just want to be at this party. Also, the lyrics (written in
1959 I believe by an old song writing combo I hadn't
heard of) are tight; I love repetition!

It's the sunday after a ripping snow storm here in Philly - totally unusual for this area at this time of year;
apparently it's the largest December snowfall total in over 60 years. I have a short week at work coming up and I'll be driving up to Massholechusetts for the big day next
Friday. More updates to follow.

Peace to all


1 comment:

KGBrews said...

Yea dude...there is no way he would have wasted his time recording it just as a joke. I thin it just something he decided to do, maybe have some fun with it, in a good way.