Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The awesomest Christmas present ever!

Angie and I exchanged Christmas presents last night. I have to say, without gloating or anything like that, that I received the dopest Christmas present of all time. Having said that, I don't really expect anyone else to agree with me.
I'll start by telling you one of the things she got me, that, while awesome, is not THE awesomest. Here it is. She even got me an extra one of the funny little wheels you need to use. The game is a blast though and I anticipate that it will contribute to my ongoing bouts of insomnia.

The real gem though was this:
The 4-Disc complete Last Waltz Concert, including all the songs that didn't make it into the actual movie...as well as some studio stuff and so on. The track list is shown here. Suffice it to say, getting this the day before my trip down to NYC for Christmas made the drive that much more manageable. I am currently in the process of ripping the uncle-choking-bejesus out of it so I have it for the ride. I can't wait to get in my car! Good work Angie. This is really the culmination of a big change in my life...a few years back, 'wrence introduced me to The Last Waltz during a brew/beer-having session. The intervening years have seen me developing an increasing fondness for The Band. Last Christmas, my Dad got me the DVD, and my drunken nights became that much more awesome as I found myself ever more likely to throw it on when I arrived home from a night of drinkitude. So, as I said above, getting this CD set is kinda the final piece in the puzzle of my obsession.
My Christmas wish to everyone is simple: I hope you all get your Last Waltz 4-CD boxed set this year, whatever it may be.
Bon Tidings,

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