Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Damofest Effigy

After Damien told us we could definitely NOT have a bonfire on the lawn, Garvey inquired about burning an effigy. Diesel said "sure, you go ahead and do that." -partially because he didn't think we'd actually follow up on it, and partially because he didn't know what an effigy was. Hell, I don't even think what we did qualifies as such, however it was large and we burned the shit out of it just the same.

Here is a photo essay for your enjoyment. For whatever reason I ended up being the point guy on building this thing. I think it worked pretty well.

(Thanks to Garvey and Rosario for the pics)



KGBrews said...

Pretty wacky dude...haha, rarely does alcohol and gasoline end well.

Ry said...

that effigy rules!

pretty decent looking broads as well