Monday, December 14, 2009

tree farm happenings

The end of the academic semester can only mean one thing.... a resurgence in postings by me. Last class of the semester tonight...two papers down and one to go. Can't wait till it is all over and i can once again revert to sleeping too late and playing bullshit wii games while waiting for it to get dark enough outside for me to feel the need to actually leave my house lest i slide into an enticing cavernous depression. ahh the holidays.

anyway, i went to get my christmas tree last saturday and something crazy happened....angie and i got engaged. weird huh? i had actually known i was going to do this for some time...since at least the early summer. after squaring away all the parental conversations necessary, i had the green light to go ahead and do it. in the days leading up to our tree-farm visit to cut down our tree (something that I have been doing since i was a kid) i realized that it would be a pretty boss time to P the Q.

so i managed to act like a somewhat normal human being on saturday despite not having slept for two days due to anxiety. we got to the tree farm and picked out a tree in what was for me record time. i commenced sawing as angie videotaped me with her camera. i stopped to "take a break" and i had the ring in my hand. being on the ground to cut down the tree, i was naturally in the position, so i just turned to her and asked. she was pretty shocked, but very happy. and i am as well.

so that should make for a pretty exciting holiday season. just thought i should share my good news on here.

now, to divert drastically, check out how awesome these two t-shirts are.

peace out, ya'll


Wrence said...

I love that story

KGBrews said...

Nice job dude...congratulations!

What tree farm did you go to? I went to one this year and it sucked ass so we aborted and bought one already cut.