Friday, July 25, 2008
More Pandora, Sorry!
"Like an Oreo cookie turned inside out, the Eames Era play indie pop that's sweet and fluffy on the outside, thanks to their irresistable melodic hooks and the tasty meringue-like vocals of Ashlin Philips."
Seriously: HOW DO I GET A JOB SPEWING THIS CRAP OUT MYSELF?!? Not only is the metaphor a ridiculous figurative stretch AND does it not any sense, and not only is this a run-on sentence that STILL seems not to have any clear conclusion, but the writer still actually has the balls to use the phrase "meringue-like." I am really at a loss....If I were Ashlin Philips I would call them up and demand an explanation.
Pandora, Elvis, and IPA

As far as the adult beverage production goes, we are very active at 46 Tremont this summer. There has been a lot of consumption and subsequently a crap-load of brewing as well. I pulled off that Rochefortesque beer a few weeks ago, and this weekend I'll be cooking another Belgian, probably more hoppy, almost IPA-ish, but lower gravity. The goal there is to have a nice, late-summer session brew but have it still be interesting. I'll post the recipes for both later tonight; I'm heading to the brewstore after work for grains & yeast. I know the suspense must be unbearable, but please just try to go about the rest of your day as if everything is normal!
* this is the first time I have ever used "splendid" in such a sense. please tell me if it should also be the last
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Grilled Pizza
The dough was my standard pizza crust, although somehow it came out probably better than I've ever made it before. The secret, my friends, is a long cold proofing in the fridge. Preferably 2 or 3 days. Then on the night of the pizza cookage, you simply pull it out, allow it to warm a bit, shape the dough balls, and allow a second proofing at room temp.
The ONE mistake I made was stretching the dough balls all at once, and then piling them up on floured parchment paper, instead of stretching them one at a time like I would normally do. The reason I did this is because I wanted the entire operation to be done outside by the grille, and I didn't want to be running up and down the stairs for every damn pie I made. This presented problems later on though, as they all sort of stuck to the parchment paper and separating them out was a pain; and most got sort of mangled by the time they ended up on the grille. But my diners were a forgiving bunch, and no one really cared seeing as how they still tasted good.
So: Tips for gilling pizza, learned the hard way (aka: the 'Wrence Standard Way)
1) Make sure grille is not too hot so as to avoid scorchizing the crust
2) Don't stack all the stretched raw crusts into a moron pile like I did
c) Get off my back about that big burn spot in the middle of the first pie, I mean the last one was freaking perfect already.
My brother, the oft-mentioned-on-this-blog KevBones, is turning 30 in a few days. Today/tonight they are having a party at his new place in Brookline. In fact he is picking me up in about 20 minutes and we are going to Redbones to pick up the food. The Bones also has his homebrews on tap now, including a 6 day-old hefeweizen that was desperately brewed to be ready for this very moment. Add to that some ribs, brisket, and slaw from one of my favorite BBQ places, and you have yourself a party. It's going to be kind of a chill, family flavored affair. There will be The Bones and his girlfriend, obviously; our step-brother and his wife; our Mom and her boyfriend; Our Dad and Step-mother; and me. Notice a pattern there? Maybe I'll bring along an inflatable love doll, so as not to stand out too badly.
Also, in honor of the occasion I just trimmed my beard and gave myself a ripping mustache! And I wonder why I am single...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Smashing Pumpkins, Beer & Pizza

Brew Status:
Friday night I bottled the Oleana Spice beer. After about a week in secondary we tasted it, and it was agreed that the spices were indeed a bit TOO subtle, so I added what remained of the original spice mix (about 1/4 of what I originally made) into some boiled water and then into the fermenter. A week later at bottling the taste was noticably more pronounced to us, but still totally balanced and a blind taster would be hard-pressed to pick up the actual spices used. I am really happy with it.
With some of the yeast that I had saved from that brew, I boiled up another Belgian on Saturday afternoon. I had the house to myself for most of the day so I took advantage and had a nice, relaxed, 6-hour brew session...took my time with everything and the results are always just a little bit better when I'm not rushed. This beer will be something of clone of Rochefort 8 or 10. I call it: Rochefortesque.
Also, Thursday night I am attempting grilled pizzas in the driveway on little Smokey Joe. Dough is proofing in the fridge. Research has been done. Fingers are crossed. I'll keep you posted,
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A mustard of our own
I don't quite remember all the beers being consumed, but I'll give it a shot. We had 'wrence's IPA, my heffe, and...ummmmm.....and....errrr...I'm not sure what else. I mean I had a store-bought 22oz bottle of some farmhouse style whose name escapes me at the moment. Man this post sucks huh?
Anyway, we finished our drinking and ambled on down Cambridge Street to Atwoods. For a Saturday night, the place was dead. It was kind of a bummer. No people and no live music, which was unfortunate. We ordered up a round...I had the DFH 90 Minute IPA, 'wrence had some raspberry something or other and Man Saun had a Cream Ale. There was some initial confusion about who got what...'wrence didn't think his pint was the one he ordered and much cross-tasting occurred before it was confirmed that the order had in fact been filled correctly.
For eats, we ordered sweet potato fries which came in a big paper cone with what looked like a delectable dipping sauce. The sauce was a creamy white and looked like straight-up mayonaisse. All of us being inclined to try different things on our fried potatoes (sweet or non) , we dipped into this concoction with aplomb. We didn't speak about what we tasted, but we all dipped and dipped again trying in vain to distinguish what the hell was in this stuff. It swiftly became apparent however that this shit was vile. I turned the little cup of this crap upside down on a saucer, ripped off a piece of napkin and wrote "This shit sucks" on it...I affixed this note to the bottom of the condiment cup and showed it to the bartendress. She seemed amused as she told us that it was in fact "Banana Rum Curry Mayo." What a fucking godawful idea. Now I know what that shit taste was. She took the thing into the back to show the cook and then came back to tell us that if we didn't like it, to make our own. So on the back of a napkin we sketched out a recipe for a dipping sauce that would work. Here's what we came up with.
1/2 part Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA
1 part Honey
1 part Dijon mustard
drizzle in 2 parts oil
It was basically a modified honey mustard dressing recipe. We never expected the bartendress to return from the kitchen with a cup full of the stuff prepared precisely to our specifications. I have to say the stuff was pretty damn tasty. Anyway, we got the sense that the staff was pretty amused with us and this was only confirmed when the cook came out to shoot the shit. Turns out no one likes the sauce and it is only on there because the last chef created it in some kind of hallucinogenic rage. The cook also confided that he preferred a sauce that was basically just cream, whole grain mustard, and dijon mustard. He made us some of this as well and it was really fucking good in my opinion. He also gave us a full pint of our own concoction to take home. I am pretty sure it is still in 'wrence's fridge. And THAT was our Saturday.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
...and then I created FOOD

This was a shot of the garden, featuring the "arugula box," about 2 weeks ago. Today, I harvested my first batch of leaves (leaving the plants themselves intact, so I can harvest again in a few more weeks). Ah, the glory of photosynthesis!

In order to get the full terroir from my arugula, I kept it moron-proof simple: just dressed the leaves with lemon, olive oil, and some shaved parm. I can't even put into words the inappropriately immense amount of satisfaction I had eating this. I MADE FOOD. I mean, I've made bread, beer, and even cheese, but THIS shit I coaxed right out of the AIR (basically.)
Just go ahead and TRY to enjoy the rest of your night, I dare you.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
4th on The Vineyard
I headed down early Wednesday morning after finishing up my orientational duties for the prior weekend. (I am off this coming weekend, so I have a nice little break in my summer at the moment.) Angie picked me up from the ferry and after dropping my stuff off at the place in Vineyard Haven we headed for Katama Beach. After getting sufficiently exposed to hazardous ultraviolet rays from Sol we headed home to wash up before dinner at this place. The menu was great. We had the mussels and crabcakes to start for the table. I had what was easily the best Caesar salad of my entire life. I feel like calling it a Caesar salad almost does it an injustice in a way for some reason. It was incredible. I waffled on my main course selection and selected the strip steak (which i see now is not on the sample menu). I asked for medium rare, but it was closer to medium well, hard to believe I know. The jus was delicious though and the steak, besides its overcookedness for my tastes, was great. One thing I didn't like is that this is one of those BYOB places because half of the island is dry so they have to open the shit for you and then charge you a corkage fee...which is incredibly lame. I mean, if you are enough of a dumbshit to open a restaurant in a dry town that's what you get...don't go charging me for your assholity.
The next day we hit up Chappaquiddick island for the beach. I got to see firsthand where Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne almost forty years ago. The beach itself was awesome though, the water was beautiful and there was almost no one there. One sweet thing about the beaches we went to all over the island is that there is no charge to park anywhere...seriously refreshing for a place where everything is so expensive. For dinner Thursday night, Angie and I went to Offshore Ale Co in Oak Bluffs. I had a couple of pints of the Hop Goddess which was absolutely delicious. Nice high grav/high IBU IPA with a very smooth citrusy bitterness and plenty of malt character. I could have drank those all night long. We split the fired ravioli appetizer which was awesome and I had my first ever lobster roll as an entree...tons of lobster, not too much mayo, well seasoned, nice grilled bun. I had been seriously jonesing for lobster and this was the fix I needed (or so I thought at the time).
The next morning I was awoken by Angie's phone ringing. Her mom was out walking at just the time that this was going on. We went out and watched the whole thing go down. Oddly enough, both Angie and I as well as her parents had considered going to this place for dinner the previous evening. here's what it looked like when all was said and done. Very sad. More info here.
The rest of the actual 4th of July was actually pleasantly uneventful. We hit the beach, despite it being overcast and had dinner at the hotel. 2 pound steamers, pan fried fingerling potatoes, and a fresh pea, spinach, pesto salad that was phenomenal. Angie's mom really knows how to toss a salad. All in all a good time away from the city to get to the beach, relax and eat good food.
The Fall
There is a funny story I need to relate from a few weeks ago. My bro was up from NYC as were a bunch of his friends. It's a bizarre thing, but worth noting, that his friends in packs of up to as many as 50 people. It's insane. Anyway, the herd was going to Sanctuary on this one night in question and I went along despite my loathing for that place/type of place. You know the black pants/black shirt/black shoes, nts-nts dance/grinding, redbull & vodka, 5 dollar cover type of place. We were there for about an hour, before it happened. We were standing near the bar, making nonsense conversation when the familiar waft of upchuck floated towards my nose. My brother, his pal Frank, and I turned to see a nice pink puddle of the nastiness in middle of the "main drag" of the bar. Basically you couldn't go anywhere in the bar without having to walk through this shit. So the three of us were standing there with our shirts covering our noses watching people straddle, hop, or otherwise attempt to circumvent the roadblock. Then along came a girl who must have been too drunk to realize that people were avoiding SOMETHING on the ground or she was too stupid to care. Well, lo and behold, before our very eyes she steps fully into the vomit and eats it. Her legs slid completely out from under her and she went into it stomach first. The three of us looked at each other with that horrified/infinitely amused face knowing that we had just witnessed a once-in-a-lifetime type of moment. Never again will I be lucky enough to be completely tuned-in to something along with two other people as funny as this was. The poor girl got up and was understandably horrified. She had her hands over her face crying for the next few minutes and then (I hope) she left. It was amazing though. I really wish I had a camera.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Weekend Re-cap in Haiku form!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Mid-Week Remodel

If you can click on this to make it BIG, you can see the garden, it's pretty sweet. The top of that building is right about the level of my old cube on the 5th floor.
Speaking of gardens, this year's vegetablening at 46 Tremont is going well. The herbs I planted in May are all mega healthy -in fact I have so much mint now I'm going to need a bottle of Rum to mojito-nize it all. The little onions and hella-peenyoes I planted from seed are up and sprouting; the tomatoes have been transplanted finally and are now stretching their little arms skyward; I hope to harvest a salad from my "arugula box" soon. Check it out:
In other news, RyToy is still missing, after beind kidnapped by a new job & several little summer mini-vacations. With any luck, his captors will allow him a brief statement to his beloved readers on Bros11 at some point in the future.
New International Hits
Starting a new blog is kind of neat when you start to notice people from all over the globe stopping by to see all the crap we have typed so far. Adding to the list mentioned at the end of this post, we now show hits from: Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Lithuania. Sweet.