Brew Status:
Friday night I bottled the Oleana Spice beer. After about a week in secondary we tasted it, and it was agreed that the spices were indeed a bit TOO subtle, so I added what remained of the original spice mix (about 1/4 of what I originally made) into some boiled water and then into the fermenter. A week later at bottling the taste was noticably more pronounced to us, but still totally balanced and a blind taster would be hard-pressed to pick up the actual spices used. I am really happy with it.
With some of the yeast that I had saved from that brew, I boiled up another Belgian on Saturday afternoon. I had the house to myself for most of the day so I took advantage and had a nice, relaxed, 6-hour brew session...took my time with everything and the results are always just a little bit better when I'm not rushed. This beer will be something of clone of Rochefort 8 or 10. I call it: Rochefortesque.
Also, Thursday night I am attempting grilled pizzas in the driveway on little Smokey Joe. Dough is proofing in the fridge. Research has been done. Fingers are crossed. I'll keep you posted,
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