Saturday, July 19, 2008

Grilled Pizza

The pizzas worked...sort of

The dough was my standard pizza crust, although somehow it came out probably better than I've ever made it before. The secret, my friends, is a long cold proofing in the fridge. Preferably 2 or 3 days. Then on the night of the pizza cookage, you simply pull it out, allow it to warm a bit, shape the dough balls, and allow a second proofing at room temp.

The ONE mistake I made was stretching the dough balls all at once, and then piling them up on floured parchment paper, instead of stretching them one at a time like I would normally do. The reason I did this is because I wanted the entire operation to be done outside by the grille, and I didn't want to be running up and down the stairs for every damn pie I made. This presented problems later on though, as they all sort of stuck to the parchment paper and separating them out was a pain; and most got sort of mangled by the time they ended up on the grille. But my diners were a forgiving bunch, and no one really cared seeing as how they still tasted good.

So: Tips for gilling pizza, learned the hard way (aka: the 'Wrence Standard Way)

1) Make sure grille is not too hot so as to avoid scorchizing the crust
2) Don't stack all the stretched raw crusts into a moron pile like I did
c) Get off my back about that big burn spot in the middle of the first pie, I mean the last one was freaking perfect already.


My brother, the oft-mentioned-on-this-blog KevBones, is turning 30 in a few days. Today/tonight they are having a party at his new place in Brookline. In fact he is picking me up in about 20 minutes and we are going to Redbones to pick up the food. The Bones also has his homebrews on tap now, including a 6 day-old hefeweizen that was desperately brewed to be ready for this very moment. Add to that some ribs, brisket, and slaw from one of my favorite BBQ places, and you have yourself a party. It's going to be kind of a chill, family flavored affair. There will be The Bones and his girlfriend, obviously; our step-brother and his wife; our Mom and her boyfriend; Our Dad and Step-mother; and me. Notice a pattern there? Maybe I'll bring along an inflatable love doll, so as not to stand out too badly.

Also, in honor of the occasion I just trimmed my beard and gave myself a ripping mustache! And I wonder why I am single...



Anonymous said...

Dude, the stash was so choice...

Anonymous said...

Thanks's almost gone already, but I'm sure it will come back sometime.