Holy Junk-show did we have TON of people in the brewery yesterday! I was there from 1-4 giving tours and I seriously think we got 100 people through in that time. Poured MANY a free sample and put a few into my own face as well. My last group was huge and I was actually starting to lose my voice by the end of the tour, which was a first.
Snotty showed up at the brewery, along with a couple of his bros. It was good to see some familiar faces there. We shot the shit & drank little cups of beer for a few hours. I think they enjoyed seeing the brewery, especially since I brought over a bunch of our beer last weekend to Snotty's BBQ and they were naturally curious to see where it was brewed.
After shutting things down out at the brewery, I drove right back into town to meet Snotty and his crew at Monkey Boy's
restaurant (last mentioned
here). Well, it's not actually
his restaurant, but he has been executive-cheffing things up there for the past 9 months, and totally rules at it. Seriouslyforeals. Last time we met there, he just started sending out courses and we basically died from awesomeness. This time was no different, except for the fact that I had my phone with me and decided to take pictures of each plate before I ate the Jesus-punching shit of it.
I now offer you gratuitous food-porn for the remainder of this post:
Course 1
Spicy home made kimchi with
chillis and basil oil

Justin fermented the Kimchi himself, and it was impressive.
Course 2
Escargot with bacon over English muffin
bread with poached egg

The last time we were here, Monkey sent us out something very similar to this, and I loved it - even though the idea of eating snails is still something I can't quite wrap my head around. Though it is not nearly even close to the most disgusting food item I regularly eat, it is just weird, right? Maybe it's the name...let's just start calling them "land-clams" - I think more people could get down with that. I thought this dish was awesome the LAST time I had it, and this time he added BACON.
Enough said.
Course 3
Prawn with corn/shrimp nugget
& kick-ass sauce

This dish was really a life changing moment for me & Snotty. I realized quickly that I had never been served a prawn with the head still attached. I obviously knew that this was the way to do it, intact body usually translating to freshness, but I had NO IDEA. Biting into this guy was like biting into fresh corn on the cob in summer: crisp, juicy, sweeeet as all hell. Like super sugar sweet fleshy prawny goodness! Did I mention how sweet it was? I couldn't believe it. This bore ZERO resemblance to those pre-be-headed pink rubbery shrimps I had been served all my adult life. When Snotty and I stopped to think about that fact, we became incensed! He put it best when he said "I've been paying people to shit in my mouth all this time."
Course 4
Marinated tomatoes on toasty
bread with goat cheesy goodness

There's not much to add about this dish other than it was awesome.
Course 5
Sliced steaky bits over beans & bread
crumbs, with some sort of reduction sauce

Same here.
All in all, a strong showing for the day. Also I should note that this place has great beer. Among my quaffed were: Elysian's
Jasmine IPA, Ommegang's
Hennepin, and a few others. I got crunked and walked home around 9pm. I awoke in the middle of the night in my bed, but on top of my sheets and sporting a large ice cream-colored stain on my tee-shirt. Sweet.