Friday, June 20, 2008

Petty and stuff

So, I have been MIA for a bit now haven't I? You might be wondering where I have been and what I have been up to lately....but you probably aren't. This post will detail some of my comings and most of my goings as of late.

I've been working Sunday through Tuesday in an office at a local university that does the incoming student orientations over the course of the summer. My job boils down, essentially, to bullshitting with the parents for three days during the day and hanging around with the students at night. For Sunday and Monday they have me living in the dorm because it is A) easier and B) they need staff on hand to take care of any emergency that comes up. Oh, and we have a big ass game of dodgeball on Monday night. It's awesome. So that's the work angle of what I have been up to.

On the slightly more fun side though, I was lucky enough to get to see Tom Petty and Steve Winwood at the TD Banknorth Garden, which is eerily enough not even the worst named venue in the county let alone the state. But before that, I dragged my ragged ass out of bed way too early and helped my buddy move out of his apartment in Beacon Hill. The only thing less fun than having a straw sized tube shoved through your dickhole into your bladder is moving into or out of a place in Beacon Hill. Narrow ass stairways and hallways...lots of stairs...nary an elevator in sight. It was brutal. Exacerbatinbg the brutality was the fact that not much at all had been packed and his girlfriend/fiance wasn't anywhere to be seen. So in addition to lugging shit all over the fucking place I had to pack some of it up.

Once that was done, I showered real quick and met up with Goober and Angie at the Seaport Bar and Grill down on the water next to the WTC in South Boston. Boozing in the daylight on the roof of a bar on the water is pretty fucking righteous. Even if you are forced to drink macro-swill out of plastic cups. So I got wasted there right up until showtime at which point we hoofed it across town to the Garden for the show. We had seats really fucking close. Like, 2nd-row-down-low-close. Like, I-could-see-Winwood's-pecker-through-his-pants close. Like, one-time-Petty-sneezed-and-I-said-bless-you-and-he-said-thanks close. I have seen Petty at other venues, and this killed any outdoor experience I have had with him. The sound was better, the vibe was better, and the show was better when you can actually see shit as opposed to being halfway across town on the lawn like at the Tweeter Center. I don't even really remember the set list beyond the fact that he definitely closed with American Girl as usual. It was pretty tight.

Otherwise I have not been up to too very much. I managed to bottle my heffe the other night, which was a complete and utter juncque show. Firstly, the fermentation on this bad boy was REALLY VIGOROUS at first and wound up blowing off the foil cap i had on the thing. So, there was yeast all over the side of the carby and on the blanket that had been wrapped around the thing to keep the light out. So that all snelled pretty rank. After finishing sanitizing the bottles, which is the worst fucking torture in the world I commenced bottling. I typically have the bottles lined up on a towel on the floor and I fill as I go placing caps on the top of each as I fill it. Never had any problems with this method before. But this time th etube line that I have coming from the bottling bucket grabbed an empty bottle knocking it over and causing it to hit a couple of others which hit a couple of others. Long story short, there was beer fucking everywhere and i lost about six bottles of it in the process. I cannot stress strongly enough how much I hate bottling. The next time I have any money to speak of I am doing a keg set-up like my main man KG. Anyway, I am hoping to crack the first heffe next weekend. We'll see how that goes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice shots from the Petty show.....I'm almost surprised you weren't assaulted by a yellow-shirted torso & head/sans neck combo and had your camera shoved up into a place it should most definitely NOT be shoved up into.

Anyway: "It's good to be King"