Friday, September 12, 2008

Mega-Productive week

Damn.....I've been stupid busy for the last month, but this is just one of those weeks where everything sort of went really well.

In addition to a full 5 day work week (which hasn't happened in a LOOONG time) I managed to:

-Get all my schoolwork done for the week
-Dry hop the pale ale
-Start yeast for the mead
-Buy peaches for the mead at the farmer's market and prep them for use
-Dinner/Beers @ Redbones
-Beers @ Atwood's
-Thorough cleansing of the entire apartment
-Neck-hair trimmage
-The purchase, writing on, and mailing of a birthday card for Amanda
-Tuition payment sent in (only one left)

Can you guess what I'll be doing tonight? If "beer" was part of your answer, you are right.


Tomorrow I have a date with my Mom, who is coming into Cambridge to hang out and go shopping & eat & stuff at some of the neighborhood places I'm always talking about. I think she is really psyched; everytime I'm out at her house and I've brought some cheese or chocolate or wine or something she's always all "I wish we had places like that out here where I could shop for stuff"...should be good times. I'm thinking of starting things off at the newly opened Sofra, hitting the beautiful Mt Auburn Cemetery for a walk, and maybe Formaggio Kitchen while we're out in west Cambridge; followed by some walking around Harvard & Inman Square....I've got plenty of places I think we should go so we'll be tired & THIRSTY at the end of this adventure

Bon Weekend,

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