Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wrapping things up in Middlebury

So we are almost done here at brewschool. I can't believe how quick it has come up after nearly 6 months of this stuff. Some quick thoughts before I pass out:

It finally stopped snowing and was actually somewhat mild today. Very nice.

Amongst the 28 samples of spiked beers, (we are studying flavor defects every night) was one called Butyric acid, which is described as "baby vomit" and tastes just as it sounds. Lovely! Now I know what I DON'T want my beer to taste like.

Here is a nice shot of my current workspace, the common room of the Inn I am staying at. They used exterior shots of this place for the Newhart show, if any of you are old enough to remember that one....

anyway, I should start studying now, final exam tomorrow. Will get another post up soon.

Goodnight from VT with love!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're doing well bro...Congrats on your new life!! Holla at cho boy when you're back in toga town.