Sunday, March 8, 2009

Beer. Bacon. Have I got your attention now?

Right now I am listening to a killer recording of the opening song from the last Radiohead show in Boston (there is a video of it on Bros11 here). My Bro from back in the day just emailed it to me. Nicely.

It is still early March and the weather has turned downright freakishly spring-like. But it's supposed to snow again in a couple days. Fucking typical New England shit. God, I hope I end up on the west coast, the manic pattern here is definitely not helping my fragile psyche right now. But at least it will be light out until 6:30 tonight, which is tight. I feel that Smokey Joe is about to make his 2009 debut in the driveway soon.

A few days ago I went up to my home-planet of Vermont to brew with a guy whom I have long admired (well, his beers, anyway) at his brewpub in Waterbury. He turned out to be a real solid guy as well and I had a great time hanging with him while he brewed up an American Brown Ale. It was a long day though, which started for me at 5:30 am and ended at 10pm, with a pant-load of beer having throughout. It was well worth it though as I learned a ton in just that one day, not only about brewing but also about how he started up his business from scratch and is now wildly successful, without ever having paid a second's thought to marketing or distribution; they don't send any of their beer out the front door, EVER. Complete control. It's good to know that passion, talent, and knowledge CAN equate to a successful business.

Yesterday saw temps in the 60's and the 3rd annual Bacon Eating Contest at AwesomeWood's tavern. This year, V actually competed! And she did quite well up there on that stage surrounded by a bunch of puffy, loud-mouthed, chowder-headed dudes. And she definitely won the crowd over, I think.

That's the weekend wrap-up. It's Sunday, sunny, warm - and I am about to go out for a quick run. Next week might see a trip to Philadelphia for a brewery visit/job interview and possibly some partying (depending on if I can get anyone to come with me) seeing as how it's Philly Beer week. I'll keep you updated...



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