Monday, June 2, 2008

It used to be about the guano...

So, as 'wrence mentioned in his post below, we had ourselves some good old-fashioned driveway beerhavery and cookitude on Friday night. Beers were had, texts were sent, and much roasted pig flesh was consumed. Let's begin...

I arrived to discover Man Saun and 'wrence crushing beers in the kitchen. After some consultation and mini-cornbread muffin type thingees, the decision was made to move the party to the driveway. For those who would find such a notion disconcerting, I assure you...the driveway was much more than that on this day.

Natural hardwood charcoal was added to the chimney thing and fire applied. In no time flat we had Smokey Joe looking quite ready to grill indeed. Bockwurst and smoked Kielbasa were thrown onto the grill and in no time flat we were chowing down. We had a few different beers to choose from some (but not all) include:

  • 'Wrence's honey wine...delicious and super drinkable for something with such a high bbv
  • 'Wrence's cardamom-spiced jaggery concoction (i can't remember if this was a wheat beer or not, i think it was)
  • 'Wrence's amber
  • 'Wrence's saison (prob about a year old and finally carbonated)
  • RyToy's Pale Ale
  • Man Saun's orange peel and coriander witbier
  • Man Saun's lemon zest and grains of paradise witbier

Both of Man Saun's offerings were delicious, but the lemon wit was so far beyond delectable the girls drinking it actually had to be forcibly unstuck from their chairs...yeah, that good.

I'd be remiss if I failed to mention the ribs, which were unreal. Falling off the fucking bone, great sweet/savory balance, nicely finished on the now-cooling Smokey Joe. They were quite the treat and those in attendance ate as much as possible without bursting. Despite our best efforts there were ribs who remained on a plate in the middle of the driveway for the remainder of the night.

With the visiting Inga in attendance as well as the resident Greeks (Gena, Vanessa, and Nancy[sp]) and the neighboring Lori, the party took a turn for the awesome when I saw to it that Sparks was made available to all who would so desire. For those of you not fortunate enough to know, Sparks is a malt beverage containing caffeine, taurine, guarine, and ginseng, is 7% alcohol, tastes like orange soda and turns you into a miniature version of Robert Downey Jr. I had about 2.5 too many with outstanding consequences.

The highlight of the night (for some) would have to be the incredibly lopsided text message showdown between Vanessa and myself. Despite using the unorthodox "alpha" method to Ry's T9 style, Vanessa managed to defeat me soundly at every turn. The sample texts in question varied from those dealing with tazo tea to something about Biloxi. No matter....revenge will be mine in time.

Later the guitar was fetched and songs were sung. On the soundtrack were some songs from The Band (It Makes No Difference, The Weight, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down) and Radiohead (Street Spirit, The Bends, Fake Plastic Trees). RyToy laid down the entirely substandard vocals while 'wrence axed his way to a couple of bloody fingers.

Events get blurry post sing-a-long, although I do know that the party moved upstairs as the night went on. Individual comings and goings are vague at best, but I do know this...I had a kick ass fucking time at DrivewayFest '08.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude: your vocals were never substandard. Keep singing man, keep singing. The rain falls down at my door...