Saturday, August 23, 2008

Grilled Pizza 2: Electric Boogaloo

Made pies again last night. Lessons were learned from the last time and things went smoother indeed. We ratcheted things up a notch on the awesome-o-meter by making fresh mozzarella a few days before hand. This was the second time I've done the cheese thing, and that whole process certainly is not getting any easier for me. What a junk show! I probably would have given up actually, at one point, were it not for Vanessa's staunch optimism in the face of dripping milk curds everywhere (insert your own dirty joke here)

Anyway, the mozz went well on the pizzas. The special of the night was a peach & prosciutto combo that I had been dreaming about all week, and man was it good.

We (at least, I) ended up getting really hammered too by the end of it. Things actually got kind of blurry towards the end of the night. The last thing I remember is Vanessa standing on the hood of her car, jumping towards me so I could catch her and hold her up over my head a-la Patrick Swayze & What's-her-face at the end of Dirty Dancing. Needless to say, we were not able to accomplish this gymnastic feat. The next thing I was aware of was laying in my bed this morning, wearing two pairs of boxer shorts, for some reason. My only guess is that in my drunken/half-asleep stupor, I was anticipating some sort of radical new fashion trend. Keep your eyes open for that; and remember you heard it here first.


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