Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Thom Yorke Song

So I just today found out that Thom played a solo set, somewhat unannounced, at this festival in England somewhere the other day. I love the Thom solo shows; watching him glide from piano to guitar to organ, backed only by his samples, loops, and angelic voice, is a sight to behold. I swear if I ever have a chance to see him play in the states, I'll be all over that shit like a fat guy on pie.

He played a new tune that is thought to be called "The Present Tense." It follows along his other somewhat Neil Youngy pieces, strolling along pleasantly enough, but picking up steam after the 3-minute mark. A nice song, to be sure, but still in its infancy. After following this guy and his band for so long I can recognize it as still more of an idea, which will undoubtedly appear in a completely different form on a Radiohead album in say, 3 or 4 years from now.

Give it a listen if you wish:

Which reminds me, last summer, when Radiohead was touring, we were treated to great new song called "Supercollider" which pretty much rocks the mustache right off my face. Check it out below if you wish:


Anyway, that's what I'm up to today. About to head into work, where we are finally wrapping up an epic 10 day blur of production. Normally we brew four days a week, typically 10 brews. For several reasons, we have been playing catch-up lately, brewing 8 out of the last 9 days, the only exception being Saturday. 24 brews in 10 days. And I won't even get into the filtrations we've done each day as well. I'm being rewarded with Friday off from work (though I still have to show up Saturday to give tours, so I am essentially stuck inside of Philly with the New Jersey blues again).

Enjoy your humpday, all


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