Thursday, May 7, 2009

Awesome dinner party

I am trying to work on a couple of take home finals right now and am having a real hard time concentration...which explains this post I guess. But what really has me laughing is what I just did on facebook. Now, i hate those quizzes. I mean I do them sometimes, but I never let the results get published because i know that that automatically makes me a douchebag. But....I just did one. And the results were so funny I had to publish them.

Topic: Top 5 dead people you would invite to dinner.
My answer: Please envision us all sitting around eating ribs and drinking beers...that really makes it for me.

1. Freddie Mercury - Rock icon and my favorite person of all time
2. G.W.F. Hegel - 19th C. Philosopher who was all about weird philosophical analysis of the movement of history. I sweated him in college.
3. Rick Danko - guitarist and vocalist from The Band. This is solely so that I can cry when he sings It Makes No Difference after dinner.
4. Abe Lincoln - He was just the tits.
5. Hemingway - Just so that there would be somewhere there to goad everyone else into getting blasted in case Hegel started to get soft or to restore order if Freddie started trying to get busy with Lincoln or something late night.

I just thought I'd share that.


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