Thursday, May 7, 2009

time waster

So, there's this new thing called sporcle. Well, maybe it's not so new, but it was new to me not that long ago and it has since become a very integral part of my life. The way it works is that every day they put up a few quizzes. Some are days of the week or something equally non-thought-provoking. But sometimes they put up awesome quizzes...such as the top 30 longest international borders (United States and Canada) or the complete VH1 list of the top 100 one hit wonders of all time (The Macarena was #1).

It doesn't sound all that awesome, but if you are like me and often find yourself with an infinite amount of time to kill while sitting at a desk when you are supposed to be doing work or maybe just when you are bored and killing time, this is the way to do it...especially if you get down with the attainment of knowledge that is completely worthless and unnecessary.

I would like to announce that I am now able to recite all 44 US Presidents in chronological order as well as name every country in Africa (there are 53 of them) in 2 minutes. Next up: the periodic table of order of coure.

Give it a whirl and see if it strikes your fancy...assuming you have nothing better to do obviously. But then again, why would you even be reading this otherwise?


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